
Vinyasa Yoga
verantwortlich: Laura Schmidt

Mittelstufe: This is a Vinyasa Yoga class for everybody that enjoys mindfull energizing movement. Vinyasa is a yoga practice that focuses on synchronizing the breath with the movement in flowing sequenzes. The goal of this course is not to do any asana (posture) in a perfect way, we just want to reach for its benefits. We want to move out of intuition and I will guide you to enable a safe independent practice as well to develop a better body-mind-awareness. So you are welcome as a beginner but some prior yoga experience might be helpfull as this is not a specific course for beginners. Each 90 minutes class will include a short meditation or breathing exercise and will equally focus on strengthening and stretching the whole body.

This course will be held in English.

Fortgeschrittene: Dies ist eine Vinyasa-Yogaklasse für alle, die Freude an achtsamer, energetisierender Bewegung haben. Vinyasa ist eine Yogapraxis, die sich darauf konzentriert, den Atem mit der Bewegung in fließenden Abläufen zu synchronisieren. Darüberhinaus gilt es in die Yogaphilosophie einzutauchen, um so uns und unseren Körper besser kennenzulernen sowie Anstrengung und Stille mit Hingabe begegnen.
In jede Stunde werde ich ein Thema mit einbringen, das sich in einer Meditation oder Atemübung und den Asanas wiederfindet. Die Stunde wird deinen Geist klären, den Körper kräftigen und Flexibilität bringen.
Alle sind in diesem Kurs willkommen, doch eine gewisse Vorerfahrung im Yoga oder ähnlichen Bewegungsformen ist von Vorteil, da es sich nicht um einen spezifischen Kurs für Anfänger handelt.



325217MittelstufeFr17:45-18:45Studio 2112.04.-05.07.Cristina Berrocal38/ 48 €
325218für FortgeschritteneMo10:15-11:45Studio 2108.04.-01.07.Elisa Kleinstück58/ 73 €


Intermediate: This is a Vinyasa Yoga class for everybody that enjoys mindfull energizing movement. Vinyasa is a yoga practice that focuses on synchronizing the breath with the movement in flowing sequenzes. The goal of this course is not to do any asana (posture) in a perfect way, we just want to reach for its benefits. We want to move out of intuition and I will guide you to enable a safe independent practice as well to develop a better body-mind-awareness. So you are welcome as a beginner but some prior yoga experience might be helpfull as this is not a specific course for beginners. Each 90 minutes class will include a short meditation or breathing exercise and will equally focus on strengthening and stretching the whole body.


Advanced: This is a Vinyasa yoga class for anyone who enjoys mindful, energizing movement. Vinyasa is a yoga practice that focuses on synchronizing the breath with the movement in flowing sequences. It also involves immersing ourselves in yoga philosophy in order to get to know ourselves and our bodies better and to meet effort and stillness with devotion.
I will introduce a theme into each class, which will be reflected in a meditation or breathing exercise and the asanas. The class will clear your mind, strengthen your body and bring flexibility.
All are welcome in this class, but some previous experience in yoga or similar forms of movement is an advantage as this is not a specific class for beginners.