
Zirkel Training
verantwortlich: Clara Ehring

This course will mix the aspects of pyramid, TABATA, HIIT and circle training together. Every class can slightly vary from using all the equipment available to using nothing but the floor, your body and sheer will. However the class will focus strongly on building endurance and secondly strength which comes after endurance. Bringing lots of energy is a requirement.


Für dieses Angebot benötigt Ihr eine Groupfit-Card.

331221Mi17:00-18:00Studio 2110.04.-03.07.Samuel Kosmálnur mit
ab 14.05., 17:00

Strength building

You want to build strength, get fitter and healthier? Then you've come to the right place. We focus on the main movement patterns of the body and lay the building blocks for continuous progress with a view to strength building, technique and a healthy body feeling.

Whether you are new to exercise or have been training for a long time, there is something for you!

For this offer you need a Groupfit-Card.