
Philosophical Vinyasa Yoga
verantwortlich: Theresa

You always wanted to learn more about the philosophy and life path of yoga in order to combine your practice with it? 
Then this is the right course for you! In addition to a 45-minute vinyasa flow, we will take some time each class to discuss a little philosophy. I, Sophia, fresh from the Yoga Teacher Training, will try to adapt the flow to the corresponding “philosophical” theme of the class. 

The course will be taught in English!


325291Do09:00-10:00Studio 2117.10.-27.02.Sophia Hellemeier
44/ 55/ 66/ 88 €
44 EUR
für Studierende

55 EUR
für Mitarbeitende

66 EUR
für externe Stud. / Alumni / Honorarangestellte Uni

88 EUR
für Externe